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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Bipartisan Senator Meeting Fails to Improve Housing for Military and Vets

America is in a constant state of partisanship, and has been ever since John Adams and Thomas Jefferson split the nation's politics right down the middle under George Washington's presidency...

HUD Takes Action to Support Housing Access for People with Disabilities

In the wake of recent milestones in disability rights, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has introduced new guidelines to improve housing accessibility for individuals with disa...

Will Affordable Housing Remain a Priority in the United States?

Housing affordability has become a hot topic in the U.S. within recent years, only further exasperated by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Countless individuals and families have faced cruelty while enduri...

2024 and 2025 Housing Market: What Buyers and Sellers Need to Know

Mortgage rates have been falling, but the prices of homes have stayed high. This means if you’re hoping to buy a house, you should start saving money and working on your credit score now.  Look...

Here's What the Housing Market Has in Store for the Rest of 2020

The housing market is notoriously difficult to assess. That's partially because it's spread out across the country, and income levels in regions are drastically variable. However, it's also because...

Health Crisis Exacerbates California's Housing Crisis

For decades now, California has been open and proud about their large umbrella for any sort of lifestyle, proclivity, nationality, or anything else that can come into the state. They want to redefine what "diversi...

Congress Proposes Canceling Rents to Prevent Another Housing Crisis

The consequences of COVID-19 on the housing crisis has been evasive. State governments have taken the initiative to implement moratoriums on landlord evictions. Congressional members are deciding what t...

Australia Set to Build 30,000 Homes for Virus Recovery

Australia Set to Build 30,000 Homes for Virus Recovery Over the past decade, Australia has been competing with European nations like Sweden and Germany to be a hub for social justice in the world, inviting in many more...

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered how different industries operate. For instance, the demand for houses has grown significantly, which means the U.S.'...

The demand has grown since people have been working from home to limit human interaction. If you are working from home, ...